Episode 256

August 09, 2023


Zach Montroy

Zach Montroy
The Original Shareable (2017-2023)
Zach Montroy

Aug 09 2023 | 00:08:05


Show Notes

About Think Fast Think Fast is a mini-episode featuring 10 rapid-fire questions. Think Fast Questions What is your favorite podcast? Marketing Made Simple and Focus on This Bring one fictional character to life. Jed Bartlet from The West Wing If you could download one person’s (dead or alive) entire knowledge, wisdom, and memories to add to your own, whose would it be? Maya Angelou What will destroy humanity? The inability to listen to one another and hold conflict in a healthy way. The extremism is what will destroy humanity. What will save humanity? Empathy, seeing other people and honoring their […]

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