Episode 229

April 04, 2023


Kendra Reddy

Kendra Reddy
The Original Shareable (2017-2023)
Kendra Reddy

Apr 04 2023 | 00:09:47


Show Notes

About Think Fast Think Fast is a mini-episode featuring 10 rapid-fire questions. Think Fast Questions What will save humanity? Love and humanity, itself. If you had a superhero name, what would it be? The Authenticator What qualities do you think makes a great leader? Curiosity, openness, receptivity, and vision. What is the most important skill of the future? The ability to sit with paradox without having the need to resolve it. What will destroy humanity? Ego and the struggle for ultimate power. Bring one fictional character to life. Spiderman. What negative experience in your life are you most happy that […]

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